TutorielsNodOn innove : un Capteur Zigbee sans pile pour surveiller température et humidité !

NodOn innovates: a battery-free Zigbee sensor to monitor temperature and humidity!

Discover our latest innovation: our Zigbee Temperature and Humidity Sensor

EvènementsLes Rendez-vous de l’énergie

Les Rendez-vous de l’énergie

Nous serions ravis de vous compter parmi nous lors des Rendez-vous de l’Energie qui se tiendront à Paris le 13 Mars 2025

Produire utile : Des produits fonctionnels au service d’un monde meilleur

Producing useful: Functional products for a better world

Last year, we started our series of articles around the theme “Produce better, produce usefully, produce less!”. You will find the link to the 1st article “Produce Better” Here , however, is a l...

Success StoryGestion intelligente des éclairages d’un centre sportif
Success StoryGestion des stores de l’Hôtel de Ville d’Angers
Success StorySuivi et gestion énergétique de bâtiments et logements connectés
Success StoryComment rendre un système de ventilation connecté ?
Success StoryInstallation domotique dans une résidence pour seniors
Success StoryGestion individualisée et intelligente des éclairages
Success StoryTransformation de volets roulants en volets connectés
Chauffage connecté : Optimisez votre confort pièce par pièce

Connected Heating: Optimize your Comfort Room by Room

Did you know that from January 1, 2027, it will be mandatory to have a automatic room-by-room heating temperature control system? Precisely, to help households anticipate the implementation of...

Sobriété énergétique, chaque geste compte

Energy sobriety, every action counts

Energy sobriety is an approach aimed at reducing energy consumption, without reducing the comfort of life. It is necessary to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and combat climate change. T...

NodOn, 10 ans de passion

NodOn, 10 years of passion

You probably know this because we have been saying it here and there since the beginning of the year: in 2023, NodOn celebrates its 10th anniversary . As you can imagine, at NodOn we are all...

EnOcean, le protocole sans fil par excellence pour le Smart Building

EnOcean, the wireless protocol par excellence for Smart Building

Wireless is everywhere today. There are wireless products in every field, in every industry, for every purpose… And for good reason! The various wireless technologies are now ext...

Couvercle DCL de NodOn, module Zigbee multifonction et Philips Hue : le tiercé gagnant !

NodOn DCL cover, multifunction Zigbee module and Philips Hue: a winning trio!

I installed the Philips Hue system at home to manage my lighting with the Hue Bridge and Philips HUE bulbs. I then connected my Hue Bridge to my Alexa voice assistant to allow me to control my l...

Chauffage connecté : Comment réaliser des économies d’énergie ?

Connected heating: How to save energy?

In a context of energy transition and growing concern for the environment, it has become essential to reduce our energy consumption. One of the main sources of energy expenditure...

Inauguration du showroom des PEP45

Inauguration of the PEP45 showroom

A showroom of technological innovations for vulnerable people We recently participated in the inauguration of the showroom of PEP45 on Olivet. Who are the PEP45? The PEP (Pupils of Public...

Eco-conception & éco-fabrication des produits NodOn

Eco-design & eco-manufacturing of NodOn products

Eco-design & eco-manufacturing of NodOn products Whether we are ordinary citizens, committed activists or industrialists, we are all now aware of the climate emergency that su...

TechniqueNodOn développe ses produits Matter over Thread

NodOn develops its Matter over Thread products

NodOn is working on Matter for 2 years and has chosen to develop its Matter products with the Matter over Thread structure. Matter debuts around Wifi and Thread In its first vers...

TechniqueNodOn intègre le Zero Crossing dans ses nouveaux produits Zigbee

NodOn integrates zero crossing into its new Zigbee products

The purpose of zero crossing is to switch the relay precisely at the moment when the electrical voltage is at zero volts. What is zero crossing? The electrical network works in alternating ...

Nouvelle application NodOn Connect

New NodOn Connect application

What is the NodOn Connect application used for? NodOn Connect is an application available on the Apple store and the Play store. This application allows you to update the firmware (int...

TechniqueL’interoperabilité dans l’IoT : définition et solution

Interoperability in IoT: definition and solution

Interoperability is a known issue for IoT players. This is reinforced by the proliferation of connected objects that do not communicate with each other and gateways that cannot interpret the d...

Matter, le nouveau standard de la maison connectée

Matter, the new standard for the connected home

If you follow the world of connected objects, and more particularly that of the connected home, closely or from afar, you cannot have missed the new Matter radio protocol. If not; ...

Profitez en toute sérénité d’une expérience lumineuse pour l’intégralité de votre maison

Enjoy a worry-free lighting experience for your entire home

We present to you our Battery-Free Switch for Philips Hue: Control all your Philips Hue lights without needing your smartphone This Friends of Hue wireless and battery-free...