TutorielsUtiliser le Module Eclairage Zigbee NodOn avec un Assistant vocal Amazon

Using the NodOn Zigbee Lighting Module with an Amazon Voice Assistant

The NodOn Zigbee Lighting module (SIN-4-2-20) is compatible with many devices, including Amazon voice assistants like the Echo and all those that integrate the Zigbee protocol . It i...

TutorielsAppairer l’interrupteur NodOn “Friends of Hue” avec le pont Philips Hue

Pair the “Friends of Hue” NodOn switch with the Philips Hue bridge

The NodOn “Friends of Hue” switch is very easy to use, here is a short tutorial on its configuration. It allows the control and variation of light intensity of all your Philips Hue ...

TutorielsComment faire des économies d’énergie ?

How to save energy?

Energy costs are among the most significant fixed costs in a household. If you don't know how to lower your bills, saving energy is a good way. Indeed, be aware that your consumption habits ha...